Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Very similar to the manatee, the walrus is very well known for its long and powerful tusks. Also like the manatee, there are three different types of walrus. The Atlantic walrus, Pacific walrus, and the O. rosmarus laptevi. The walrus eats mainly crabs and shrimp. The walrus has been hunted for many years for its ivory tusks.
This animal, like the red panda , is very endangered . Its a manatee. Some people call it the sea cow. There are three types of manatees. Two that live in fresh water and one that lives in tropical Atlantic ocean water. They can stay under water for several minutes. One reason the manatee is so endangered is because of human populations. As we expand are own territory and habitat , we take away the homes of other animals such as the manatee. The manatees are also being hurt and killed by boats. When manatees come up for air while a boat is around, the propeller of the boat can cut and damage the manatees back or fins. Many times the manatees can not recover.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today I thought i would post about a interesting snake.I have actually posted this snake before but this time it looks different,its an albino ball python,very similar to the python i posted before.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

OK, today I'm posting about a really freaky fish,The deep sea angler fish.They live in the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans more than a mile under water,however,some live in shallow tropical waters.They are carnivores,and they can swallow prey twice their size.The most interesting feature of the angler fish is the unique dorsal spine that acts as a fishing pole with a glowing lure at the top,hence the name.The lure glows because of millions of bio luminescent bacteria.It is easily the ugliest animal on earth.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The marine iguana is a very interesting species of iguana.It can be found on the Galapagos islands.It lives manly on the rocky shore but it can be found in island marshes and mangrove beaches.It is the only marine lizard in the world,meaning it can live and forage in the sea.They eat mainly sea algae.Something really cool about the marine iguana is that they can dive down to 98 feet underwater and they can hold their breath for 45 minutes.Something crazy about this lizard is that it sneezes to get salt out of its nostrils.How weird is that?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Number five,the American toad.

Number four,the long tailed salamander.

Number three,poison dart frog.

Number two,the tomato frog.

Number one,the tiger salamander.
I'm just now realizing that I haven't posted any amphibians,how silly of me.So I'm going to do the same thing that I did with the birds,fish,and invertebrates.

Number five, the millipede.

How weird is this,number four the yeti crab.

Number three,I actually cant find the species name but its a really cool butterfly.

Invertebrate number two,The giant scorpion.

Invertebrate number one,the Hornet.
Yesterday I said insects but I think I'll post a ton of invertebrates instead.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tomorrow I'm gonna post a ton of insects.

The triggefish.

The red belly piranha.

The queen angle fish.

The whale shark.The world's biggest fish.

The parrot fish.Parrot fish make underwater nest like structures out of their saliva/aka their spit.Believe it or not,this helps protect them from predators.I will explain how in a later post.

The orange clown fish.This is the most popular species of clown fish.
Since I've posted a bunch of bird pictures I thought I would do the same thing again but with fish.I haven't posted about any fish except the electric eel.If anyone who prefers the pictures with information rather than the ones with just the picture,leave a comment and I'll start adding the info again.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The brown pelican.

Northern cardinal.The state bird of Ohio.

The snowy owl.This bird has feathers on its feet.

The California condor.worlds largest bird that can fly.

The rockhopper penguin.
Because I have not posted many birds I'm going to just post sum pictures of birds without the information.

I haven't posted about many birds so I thought I would post about a really cool one.The Toucan.The Toucan can be found in Southern Mexico,central America,and south America,in tropical and sub-tropical regions.they make their nests in tree hollows.The Toucan eats mainly fruit but will also eat insects and small lizards.There are about forty species of Toucan.The most unique feature of the Toucan is its huge beak.Even though the beak is large,it is almost hollow making it very light.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In this corner weighing in at, I have no idea,less than a pound, the biggest baddest beetle in the world,not only does he have a thick exoskeleton,he also has a huge powerful horn and it doesn't end there.This bad boy can support up to 850 times his own weight.He is the one and only Rhinoceros Beetle. This amazing invertebrate can be found in Japan,China,Taiwan,and Korea.The larvae eat rotten wood and the adults eat nectar,plant sap,and fruit.Even though these bugs are huge they are no harm to humans in any way because they can not bite or sting.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This lizard is both weird and amazing.The Basilisk can be found in the central American rain forest from southern Mexico to panama.They spend much of their time in trees but they are never far from a body of water.These lizards are omnivores which means they eat both plants and meat,in their case invertebrates.The most unique thing about this lizard is its amazing ability to run on water.They accomplish this with their long toes on their rear feet which have fringes of skin that increase surface area.As the run,they slap their feet down on the water creating an air pocket that keeps them from sinking. I cant get a picture on this computer so I'll post one later.

Monday, March 19, 2012

OK I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would come back with a really cool creature.The Electric eel.The Electric eel lives in streams and rivers of  South America.Their mane diet consists of invertebrates such as shrimp and crabs,however the adults will also eat fish and small mammals.These animals are considered apex predators in South America.Although eel is in their name they are not apart of the eel family.They are in fact  knife fish not eels.Now everyone knows that they have the ability to generate electricity from their bodies,not many people know exactly how much they can generate.They are able to produce 500 volts and 1 ampere of current (500 watts) such a shock could kill an adult human.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Answering a request,Today I am posting about the clouded leopard.a truly unique species of cat.Clouded leopards are only found in southeast Asia, ranging from Nepal,Northeast India,Bangladesh,and the eastern Himalayas through southern china.Their habitats range from closed forests to mangrove swamps and grass lands.Its diet consist of birds,monkeys,pigs,cattle,and even porcupines.With its large paws,sharp,claws,and short legs, the clouded leopard is an excellent tree climber.Relative to body size,the clouded leopards canines are the largest of all living cats.The clouded leopard is an endangered species and much is being done to try and save this amazing cat.

Monday, March 12, 2012

While I'm still waiting for requests,today I'm posting about a very cool arachnid,the Mexican red knee tarantula.They live in the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre del Sur mountain ranges in Mexico.They make burrows that they use to hide themselves from enemies and to conical them from unsuspecting prey that passes by so it can ambush and suck the fluid from the tasty snack.Like all tarantulas,the red knee must molt or shed its skin in order to grow.The exoskeleton does not stretch so the molting process is necessary.After molting the spider will become sluggish and will not eat for a day or two.They will lose hair and appear swollen,this is the new exoskeleton developing.The fangs are a part of the exoskeleton so they will be softer and flexible until the new skin hardens.The red knee tarantula is an endangered species because of the pet trade and killing on sight.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

If you would like a certain animal to be posted, leave a request and I'll see what I can do.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

http://dailynightly.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/08/10601220-a-portfolio-to-save-the-worlds-animals This is a link to a NBC Nightly News story about a National Geographic photographer.Its as a lot of awesome animals,and a lot of amazing photography.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Today I got another request.This time by my sister.She has requested the thorny devil.The thorny devil lives in the the desert areas of central Australia.They eat small insects,mostly ants.this lizard's defensive abilities only begin with its spikes.Its colors also help camouflage it in small desert shrubs.It can darken its skin to blend in with the sand,and it puffs its body up with air to make it look more intimidating.The thorny devil is also know as the Thorny Dragon,Mountain Devil, and Thorny Lizard.This lizard is truly a unique animal.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My posts are getting messed up by the computer im using, sorry they look different and strange.

Today I'm posting about a very unique species of lizard.The
panther chameleon.Like most chameleons,the panther chameleon
lives in Madagascar,in the northern and eastern regions.Their diet
consists of insects.There are many different things about this chameleon
that are unique.Like all chameleons,panther chameleons can change the
color of their skin,however,they can not change to the color purple.
They also have a long,powerful tongue for catching their prey.Finlay they also
do not have ears, instead they have a vomeronasal organ just like snakes.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

This is an animal that really doesn't care.The Ratel,or Honey badger as it is more commonly referred to,lives in Africa and South-Western Asia.Their diet consists of  a wide range of foods.They favor bee honey and will often hunt for a bee hive to get it,however they will also eat insects,lizards,turtles,snakes,rodents,eggs,birds,and some fruits and other plants.Even though its name is the honey badger it is not a part of the badger family.Like the wolverine, it is a part of the weasel family.