Thursday, March 8, 2012 This is a link to a NBC Nightly News story about a National Geographic photographer.Its as a lot of awesome animals,and a lot of amazing photography.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Today I got another request.This time by my sister.She has requested the thorny devil.The thorny devil lives in the the desert areas of central Australia.They eat small insects,mostly ants.this lizard's defensive abilities only begin with its spikes.Its colors also help camouflage it in small desert shrubs.It can darken its skin to blend in with the sand,and it puffs its body up with air to make it look more intimidating.The thorny devil is also know as the Thorny Dragon,Mountain Devil, and Thorny Lizard.This lizard is truly a unique animal.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My posts are getting messed up by the computer im using, sorry they look different and strange.

Today I'm posting about a very unique species of lizard.The
panther chameleon.Like most chameleons,the panther chameleon
lives in Madagascar,in the northern and eastern regions.Their diet
consists of insects.There are many different things about this chameleon
that are unique.Like all chameleons,panther chameleons can change the
color of their skin,however,they can not change to the color purple.
They also have a long,powerful tongue for catching their prey.Finlay they also
do not have ears, instead they have a vomeronasal organ just like snakes.